Benefits Of Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is separate category of tea that doesn’t come under black or green tea. Yet oolong tea can have the characteristics of either black or green tea depending on the oxidization and processing of the tea leaf. A black tea is fully oxidized while green tea is barely oxidized and the oxidation level in oolong can range between 8% to 80%. Camellia Sinensis Plant is the source of oolong tea as well as the black and green tea. The oolong tea leaves are traditionally rolled, twisted or curled into tight balls or thin strand.

Oolong tea comes with dual benefits of both the green and black tea, hence the health benefits are twofold. The most notable is its ability to control metabolism and reduce obesity. The polyphenolic compound present removes the free radicals from our body and prevents skin and ovarian cancer. Since its an anti- oxidant, it improves our bone health and helps to control diabetes. It also helps in managing stress and improving mental health.

Nutritional Value of Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a natural anti-oxidant that has rich amount of important minerals such as calcium, manganese, copper, selenium and potassium. Oolong tea does have caffeine but with almost zero calories and no fat, it is a blessing for obese and people on diet. It also contains slight amounts of vitamin A,B,C,E and K. Folic acid, niacinamide and other detoxifying alkaloids are also present in trace amounts.

Nutritional facts Per 1 cup



*0.0012Total Carbohydrate

Vitamins and Minerals


*0.24 %Magnesium

Health Benefits of Oolong Tea

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Oolong Tea

Weight management.

The presence of polyphenolic compound in oolong tea is the primary source for weight reduction. It controls the metabolism of the body fat and also activates certain enzymes, thereby enhancing the functions of fat cells which in turn reduces obesity.

Prevents Cancer.

Since oolong tea is a natural anti- oxidant, it has anti cancer properties. Moreover the polyphenolic compound act as chemo-preventive instrument against the development of cancer cells. Thus the oolong tea helps in reducing the risks of cancer and is very effective especially against ovarian and skin cancer.

Control Diabetes.

The presence of anti-oxidants that comes from polyphenol regulates the amount of blood sugar and insulin in the bloodstream which reduces the risk of uncertain dips and spikes in blood sugar that could prove fatal for diabetic patient. It also reduces blood glucose to a healthy level and is also used as additional medicine for type 2 diabetes.

Cholestrol and Heart disease.

Oolong tea acts as a strong catalyst in reducing the cholesterol levels and making the heart healthier which in turn reduces the risks of coronary heart diseases. Unlike black tea, it is not totally oxidized, thus producing a perfectly sized polyphenol molecule which activates the enzyme lipase which dissolves body fat. The less is the body fat, the lower the cholesterol.

Treats Eczema.

The most common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis which cannot be cured completelty. But the polyphenols and the anti-oxidants present in oolong tea also work as an anti-allergenic compound, which has helped in relieving irritation and chronic skin problems. Regular usage of oolong tea has reduced the appearance of eczema significantly.

Prevents osteoporosis and improves bone health.

Anti-oxidants present in the oolong tea prevents osteoporosis and tooth decay. It further strengthens the bone structure and promote normal, healthy growth of body. Minerals like magnesium and calcium helps in maintaining the bone mineral density (BMD) which help in retaining minerals from consumed food.

Improves mental health.

Oolong tea is rich in caffeine and also has L-theanine, nutrients associated with a direct impact on brain function. Consumption of oolong tea has shown an increase in visiual information processing, alertness, calmness and attention levels and performance. The EGCG polyphenol present in oolong tea maintains and improve the effectiveness of hippocampus, a part of brain linked to learning and memory.

Skin Problems.

Oolong tea is a boon for people with skin diseases. The presence of anti-oxidants removes the free radicals present in our body which is the root cause for majority of skin problems. Oolong tea helps in exfoliation and slows down the oxidation of cells, giving you a much healthier skin. It also helps in anti ageingwrinkles and dark spot reduction.

Prevents tooth decay

Oolong tea inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and oral cancer. The polyphenol present helps in the overall dental health and hygiene. Prescribed consumption of oolong tea prevents the build-up of plaque, fights tooth decay and impede the occurrence of cavities.

Uses of Oolong Tea

Only China and Taiwan uses oolong tea as a daily beverage while most of its consumption globally is only because of the medicinal value it has. Type 2 diabetic patient are given oolong tea as additional medicine on top of the prescribed drugs. It is also used as a remedy for eczema especially atopic dermatitis. It also finds importance in treating osteoporosistooth decay, cardiovascular diseases and reducing stress.

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